「筆記」安裝防廣告信機制 SpamAssassin

安裝完 procmail 後,必須修改 sendmail.cf,該如何讓 sendmail 利用 procmail 來過濾信件?man 1 procmail 中有一段:


Examples for rcfile recipes can be looked up in the procmailex(5) man
page. A small sample rcfile can be found in the NOTES section below.

Skip the rest of this EXAMPLES section unless you are a system adminis-
trator who is vaguely familiar with sendmail.cf syntax.

The -m option is typically used when procmail is called from within a
rule in the sendmail.cf file. In order to be able to do this it is
convenient to create an extra `procmail' mailer in your sendmail.cf
file (in addition to the perhaps already present `local' mailer that
starts up procmail). To create such a `procmail' mailer I'd suggest
something like:

Mprocmail, P=/usr/local/bin/procmail, F=mSDFMhun, S=11, R=21,
A=procmail -m $h $g $u


/usr/local/etc/procmailrc 該如何設定?以讓 procmailrc 利用 SpamAssassin 來處理垃圾廣告信?

/usr/local/share/doc/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin/procmailrc.example 是範例檔可供參考。

利用 SpamAssassin

1.利用 ports 安裝 SpamAssassin ,設定檔位於:/usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf

2.可利用 SpamAssassin 設定檔產生器直接設定:
SpamAssassin Configuration Generator



將廣告信件移到每位user家目錄的 mail/spam-mail


* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes







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