
目前顯示的是 2月, 2006的文章

「筆記」安裝 Gallery2

下載 http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php/Gallery2:Download [@more@]

The Complete FreeBSD

The Complete FreeBSD [@more@]

「筆記」安裝防廣告信機制 SpamAssassin

安裝完 procmail 後,必須修改 sendmail.cf,該如何讓 sendmail 利用 procmail 來過濾信件?man 1 procmail 中有一段: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples for rcfile recipes can be looked up in the procmailex(5) man page. A small sample rcfile can be found in the NOTES section below. Skip the rest of this EXAMPLES section unless you are a system adminis- trator who is vaguely familiar with sendmail.cf syntax. The -m option is typically used when procmail is called from within a rule in the sendmail.cf file. In order to be able to do this it is convenient to create an extra `procmail' mailer in your sendmail.cf file (in addition to the perhaps already present `local' mailer that starts up procmail). To create such a `procmail' mailer I'd suggest something like: Mprocmail, P=/usr/local/bin/procmail, F=mSDFMhun, S=11, R=21, A=procmail -m $h $g $...

Gallery 2 安裝筆記

Before using Gallery 2, you will need to configure your database. Full instructions are available here: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/gallery/gallery2/README.html If you are using MySQL, here's the short version of the instructions: 1. Create a new database: $ mysqladmin -uroot create gallery2 2. Grant access to the database: $ mysql gallery2 -uroot -e"GRANT ALL ON gallery2.* TO username@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'" You will also need to configure Apache. Consider adding the following to your httpd.conf: <Directory /usr/local/www/data/gallery2> AllowOverride Options FileInfo </Directory> Then restart Apache: 'apachectl graceful' Please visit 'http://{host.domain}/www/data/gallery2/' in a web-browser and follow the configuration instructions. [@more@]

20060222 東新國小校內資訊研習

一、學務系統。 二、如何更改 IP。 二、E-mail防毒、網路硬碟使用、行政處室檔案下載。 [@more@]

讓 Adobe Reader 支援 Dr.eye

官方步驟: 1、Dreye2002、Dr.eye 6.0 譯典通 用戶:請執行標準版光碟中supportSetup升級程式 2、再把Dreye40.api 檔案(Dr.eye 6.0 預設路徑為 C:Program FilesInventecDreye) 複製到下列路徑 Acrobat 6.0 Reader 版用戶: 「C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 6.0Readerplug_ins」下 。 Acrobat 6.0 完整版用戶: 「C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 6.0Acrobatplug_ins」下 。 Acrobat 7.0 Reader 版用戶: 「C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 7.0Readerplug_ins」下 。 Acrobat 7.0 完整版用戶: 「C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 7.0Acrobatplug_ins」下 。 3、開啟 Acrobat -> 編輯(Edit) -> 偏好設定(Preferences) -> 啟動(Startup) -> (應 用程式啟動)Application startup中的僅使用 認證的增效模組(use only certified plug-ins) 設定為不勾選的狀態。(軟體預設應為不勾選) 4、重新啟動 Acrobat Note! 如果部份檔案無法翻譯,請確認您的的檔案是否經加密,若經過加密處理則譯典 通無法捉字翻譯![@more@]

「筆記」DNS 伺服器更新

Bind 8.x 在 FreeBSD 跑得相當穩定,在 FreeBSD 5.3 之後,則內含了 BIND9,這是我將東新國小 DNS 伺服器的 OS 版本從 FreeBSD 5.4 STABLE 更新為 FreeBSD 6.x 的過程中所做的筆記。 目標: 一、除了更新OS 外,Rembo和DHCP 的資料也需備份到新架好的機器裡面。 二、架設 rsync 來備份 WWW 、學務系統伺服器的資料,以便萬一它有狀況時,能有隨時替代上線運作的機制。 [@more@]